1. Review the 10 Wheel Categories – Reflect … what would your satisfying life look like in each area?
2. Next, draw a line across each segment that represents your satisfaction score for each area.
• Imagine the center of the wheel is 0 and the outer edge is 10
• Choose a value between 1 (very dissatisfied) and 10 (fully satisfied)
• Now draw a line and write the score alongside
IMPORTANT: Use the FIRST number that comes to mind, not the number you think it should be!
3. If you struggle with giving yourself a value for each area, ask someone you trust and whose opinion you value, to assist you with the score. Keep in mind, some people have hidden agendas.
Change begins with awareness. You must be honest with yourself to make powerful changes.
4. You can change the categories or re-label an area to make it more meaningful for you.
For Example:
1. Family and Friends: Split "Family and Friends" into separate categories.
2. Business & Career: Changing the category name to "Motherhood" or "Volunteering".
3. Finances: Changing the category name to "Money", "Financial Security" or "Financial Wellbeing".
4. Health & Fitness: The category name could be split or changed to "Emotional", "Physical", "Spiritual" or "Wellbeing".
5. Physical Environment: The category could split or change to "Work Environment" or "Home Environment".
6. Fun & Recreation: The category name could change to "Recreation"
7. Personal Growth: The category name could change to "Learning", "Self-Development" or "Spiritual".
8. Other categories to add could include "Security", "Service", "Leadership", "Achievement" or "Community".
Which of these categories would you most like to improve?
From your selection, choose one category to improve that will be the catalyst for improving your other selections.
Next, identify 3 or more actions you should take to improve your selection and implement them sooner rather than later.
Remember, nothing happens until something moves, and it’s possible to achieve your goal with tiny steps.
To your confident lifestyle.
P.S If you have questions or need something else …
Contact me at